Muslimah Committee

Muslimah Committee
As the sisters are an integral part of the MCE, regular halaqas are held on weekends in both English and Arabic. The sisters organize various activities to raise funds for the MCE, including family dinners and bazaars. The MCE also hosts and funds the weekly 'Swimming for Sisters' program, ongoing since 2010 and attended by many sisters of all ages from among MCE patrons and elsewhere. Sisters also hold periodic Women and Children days, and work hand-in-hand with the Social & Da'wah committees to serve the needs of our sisters.

The Muslimah Committee (per the MCE's by-laws) is comprised of a team of three sisters. We encourage you to work with them to continue to improve their service of the community. Please feel free to contact the committee at their email ([email protected]).
All members of this committee are volunteers.
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